Week 1 

Week #1

Anna: My long run was 10 miles and it felt good ,nothing like getting yourself out the door when it is 15 degrees out. The rest of the week consisted of a speed workout ( haven’t done speed in years ) , and some shorter runs with Beau. Making a schedule of working out has been really difficult for me. I’m not sure why but I never have an issue of working out on my days off however planning my long run or my interval run has been really difficult for me. A lot of this goes back to how hard work has been, if I was able to hydrate enough, and if I was able to fuel my body properly while at work. 

Jess: The start of a new training cycle is always exciting but overwhelming for me.  I struggled with some ankle tendonitis in November and have been doing PT once a week and heavy strength to avoid the injury from rearing its ugly head as I crank up the miles. Nice, mild temperatures got replaced with frigid temps.  Did my opening speed workout in 22 degree weather and my long run in 17 degree weather!!!! What a way to rip the bandaid off..

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