Anna got strep throat this week so training took a back seat to healing. Jess takes us through the ups & downs of her week below!
Jess: sad that Anna got sick and we couldn’t do a weekly run together!! I took some time on my rest day to organize my weekly long run & workout schedule. It is nearly impossible to do speed or long runs on days that I work (unless I wake up at 3:30AM or go to bed at midnight). I figured I need to allot 3 hours of time on those days to do it right – this includes pre-fuel, post-fuel, & stretching. I mapped them out for the next 15 weeks so that I have no excuses!!!! I also put reminders in my phone and highlighted my training schedule in red.
I highly recommend the Strava app to track your mileage, stretching, and strength minutes
The app is free but in order to use this functionality you have to be a subscriber (I believe it is 59.99/yr which comes out to ~ $5/mo). I am trying to do 30 minutes of stretching/yoga & 30 minutes of strength/week to fend off any injuries. Tracking it on Strava puts all of my data in one place and you also get a notification when you reach your weekly goal (yay!).
Did my longish (8 mile) run on Sunday with a friend and unfortunately, we mapped out a route with MANY hills. Oh and it was 8 degrees out! Got icicles on my eyelashes and ponytail but felt like a badass after.