
So you are going to run a marathon! How exciting! Oh you are following runners’ worlds training plan?! That’s awesome, they are the best. 

What’s your nutrition plan ….

Wait …. I work the next four (13 hour shifts) I leave at 430 and get home at 8:30. How do I get my interval runs in? How do I get A run in? 

Hi! We are Anna and Jess! Two nurse practitioners working in critical care trying to navigate training at our best while working some pretty insane schedules. We will summarize a usual day for us and why eating and training is so impacted by our work. We are sure many of you can relate and hope this helps you all navigate successful marathon training. We don’t have all the answers and hope to learn a lot from each other and our readers during this journey. Jess has run multiple marathons most recently the Chicago marathon!! This will be Anna’s first marathon, she has run  many half marathons but this will be her first stab at a full!